Málstofan ,,Hćlisleitendur segja frá"

(*English below)

Málstofan „Hćlisleitendur segja frá" verđur haldin fimmtudaginn 20. mars kl.12:00-13:00 í stofu 101, Lögbergi í Háskóla Íslands. Málstofan mun fara fram á ensku og ađgangur er öllum opinn.

Á málstofunni segja tveir hćlisleitendur frá reynslu sinni af ţví ađ vera hćlisleitandi á Íslandi. Málstofan er hin fyrsta í röđ málţinga sem varđa hćlisleitendur, en undanfariđ hafa málefni ţeirra veriđ áberandi í fjölmiđlum. Tilgangur málţinganna er ađ skapa vettvang fyrir raddir hćlisleitenda ţar sem frćđifólk, nemendur og almenningur geta fengiđ innsýn inn í ţennan mikilvćga málaflokk út frá sjónarhorni einstaklinganna sjálfra. 

Oft má heyra frá hćlisleitendum ađ dagar ţeirra einkennast af eftirfarandi: „Sofa, borđa, sofa, borđa...". Hvernig túlka hćlisleitendur sjálfir líf sitt á Íslandi og hvađa áskoranir felur ţađ í sér? Hverjar eru vonir ţeirra um framtíđina? Málţingunum er ćtlađ ađ undirstrika ađ hćlisleitendur eru er ekki einsleitur hópur, heldur mismunandi einstaklingar sem eiga sér ólíka sögu og upplifun. Málstofan 20. mars mun hefja umrćđur á mikilvćgum ţáttum í lífi einstaklinga sem eru skilgreindir sem hćlisleitendur út frá röddum ţessara einstaklinga.

Starfshópur stúdenta stendur fyrir málţinginu í samstarfi viđ námsbraut í Mannfrćđi viđ Háskóla Íslands, Rauđa krossinn á Íslandi og MARK (Miđstöđ margbreytileika- og kynjarannsókna).


The seminar "Asylum seekers speak" will be held on Thursday the 20th of March at 12:00-13:00 in Lögberg 101 at the University of Iceland. The seminar will be held in English and all are welcome.

In the seminar two asylum seekers will talk of their experience of being an asylum seeker in Iceland. The seminar is the first in a series of seminars that for asylum seekers. The purpose of the seminars is to create a platform for the voices of asylum seekers, where scholars, students and the general public can get an insight into this important field from the perspective of the individuals themselves.

It is often heard from asylum seekers that their days are characterized by the phrase: "Sleep, eat, sleep, eat...". How do asylum seekers themselves view their life in Iceland and what challenges does that life pose? What are their hopes for the future? The forums are meant to emphasize that asylum seekers are not a homogenous group but a group of different individuals, each one of these individuals having their own story and experience. The seminar on the 20th of March will be the beginning of discussions about important aspects in the lives of these individuals who are categorized as asylum seekers - a discussion based on the voices of the individuals themselves. 

A work group of students holds the seminar in collaboration with the faculty of Anthropology at the University of Iceland, the Icelandic Red Cross and MARK (Center of diversity and gender studies).

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